Resources for Those Helping Torture Survivors, Refugees, & Asylum-Seekers

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This area of the web site provides 7 sets of resources:

Psychological Assessment of Torture Survivors: Essential Steps, Avoidable Errors, and Helpful Resource - This article has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Law & Psychiatry.

Resources for Torture-Victims, Refugees, and Asylum-Seekers - This web page provides links to over 130 online resources for torture victims, asylum-seekers, and refugees.

A Human Rights and Ethics Crisis Facing the World's Largest Organization of Psychologists—Accepting Responsibility, Understanding Causes, Implementing Solutions by Kenneth S. Pope, Ph.D., ABPP, in European Psychologist

Canadian Psychological Association John C. Service Member of the Year Award Address --
The Code Not Taken: The Path From Guild Ethics to Torture and Our Continuing Choices
by Ken Pope, Ph.D., ABPP [Canadian Psychology / Psychologie canadienne]

"The Hoffman Report And the American Psychological Association: Meeting the Challenge of Change" by Ken Pope, Ph.D., ABPP, Appendix A in Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling, 5th Edition by Ken Pope & Melba J. T. Vasquez. New York: Wiley, Forthcoming January, 2016.

3 Cognitive Strategies to Deny, Discount, & Dismiss Torture: How Individuals, Groups, Governments, & Cultures Enable Torturers - An excerpt from a chapter on "Torture" published by Academic Press.

Responding to Victims of Torture: Clinical Issues, Professional Responsibilities, and Useful Resources - This article was published in the APA journal Professional Psychology: Research & Practice.

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