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Seven Issues in Conducting Forensic Assessments
Ethical Responsibilities in Light of New Standards and New Tests
This article ("Seven Issues in Conducting Forensic Assessments: Ethical Responsibilities in Light of New Standards and New Tests") was published in Ethics & Behavior, vol. 3, #3-4, pages 267-288.
ABSTRACT: The publication of a new ethics code by the American Psychological Association, new guidelines by the Committee on Ethical Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists, and new versions of the MMPI provide an opportunity to review ethical aspects of forensic assessment. Seven issues facing forensic psychologists and others who use psychological tests are discussed in light of these revisions and other general standards for sound assessment. These issues focus on appropriate graduate training, competence in the use of standardized tests, use of tests that fit the task, use of tests that fit the individual, administering tests correctly, appropriate use of computers in forensic assessment, and assessment and reporting of factors that may affect the meaning of test findings. The MMPI-2 and the MMPI-A are used to illustrate how ethical issues are reflected in the design, the validation, and the uses of standardized psychological tests.
NOTE: For those interested, here are some related resources on this website:
- Update on Malingering Research
- Deposition and Cross-examination Questions on Psychological Tests & Psychometrics
- Fallacies & Pitfalls in Psychological Assessment: 7 Common Mistakes
- Forensic Assessment Checklist
- Sample Agreement Between Expert Witness & Attorney
- Pearson Assessments HIPAA Regulations
- Harcourt Assessment's HIPAA Position Statement
- Multi-Health Systems' Test Disclosure Privacy Policy
- Responsibilities in Providing Psychological Test Feedback to Clients
- Practice Guidelines & Ethics Codes for Assessment, Forensics, Counseling, & Therapy
- The MMPI, MMPI-2, and MMPI-A In Court: A Practical Guide for Expert Witnesses and Attorneys (3rd Edition)