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Psychological Assessment: Clinical & Forensic
Recent Research on Assessing Risk of Violence: Studies Published in 2012-2015
A list of citations for and excerpts from studies on assessing violence risk that have been published from 2012 to the present.
Deposition and Cross-examination Questions on Psychological Tests & Psychometrics [American Psychological Association]
This chapter discusses common deposition and cross-examination questions about tests and psychometrics, along with potential responses to those questions.
Update on Malingering Research
This resource catalogues research on assessing malingering, providing citations and brief summaries of research and review articles that have been published in peer-reviewed scientific and professional journals from January, 2001, to the present.
Responsibilities in Providing Psychological Test Feedback to Clients [Psychological Assessment]
This article discusses basic aspects of the feedback process: (a) feedback as process; (b) clarification of tasks and roles; (c) responding effectively to a crisis; (d) informed consent and informed refusal; (e) framing the feedback; (f) acknowledging fallibility; (g) countertransference and the misuse of feedback; (h) records, documentation, and follow-up; (i) looking toward the future; and (j) assessing and understanding important reactions.
This chapter reviews information and issues vital to those who use the MMPI-A in forensic assessments as well as to those (e.g., attorneys) who encounter its use in forensic contexts. The focus is on the MMPI-A, but also includes information relevant to conducting forensic evaluations with adolescents in order to meet the highest standards of practice and to withstand close scrutiny in the adversarial forensic system. The first section reviews the development of the MMPI-A for those who are new to the instrument. The second section discusses essential steps for those who are considering using the MMPI-A in a forensic assessment. The third section looks at the evolving research on the MMPI-A and highlights two case books that provide information and examples case illustrating case interpretation. The fourth section examines the ways in which the MMPI-A can identify invalid or misleading responses.
Forensic Assessment Checklist [American Psychological Association]
This list reviews important issues to be addressed in the planning, implementation, reporting, and documentation of a forensic assessment.
Pearson Assessments HIPAA Regulations
This statement from Pearson Assessments (formerly NCS Assessments) discusses frequently asked questions about the release of testing items, forms, and information in clinical, forensic, and other contexts.
Harcourt Assessment's HIPAA Position Statement
Harcourt Assessment issued this statement about HIPAA's implications for disclosing test record forms and protocols.
Multi-Health Systems' Test Disclosure Privacy Policy
Adopted by leading Canadian test publishers and the Canadian Psychological Association, the MHS policy addresses both the Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”) and the United States’ Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”).
The MMPI, MMPI-2, and MMPI-A in Court: A Practical Guide for Expert Witnesses and Attorneys (3nd Edition) by Kenneth S. Pope, Ph.D., ABPP, James N. Butcher, Ph.D., and Joyce Seelen, Esq., Publisher: American Psychological Association.
"A must for every trial lawyer's library."
-- Patricia C.
Bobb, Esq., Board of Governors, Association of Trial Lawyers of America
Seven Issues in Conducting Forensic Assessments: Ethical Responsibilities in Light of New Standards and New Tests [Ethics & Behavior]
This article examine basic issues in conducting forensic assessments: appropriate graduate training, competence in the use of standardized tests, use of tests that fit the task, use of tests that fit the individual, administering tests correctly, appropriate use of computers in forensic assessment, and assessment and reporting of factors that may affect the meaning of test findings.