Psychological Assessment: Clinical & Forensic

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Forensic Assessment Checklist

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The following list (copyright held by the American Psychological Association) was created as a resource for those who conduct forensic assessments.

Here are a few related resources:

Any of the following items can be easy to overlook in light of the pressures and schedules of court work, the complexity that often emerges in the adversarial nature of litigation, and the difficulty of finding an expert who never makes a mistake. But overlooking any of them can lead to invalid assessments, misleading testimony, and a variety of other serious problems.

Different experts will have their own ways of working with attorneys, selecting standardized tests and other assessment approaches, identifying factors that undermine validity, maintaining documentation, and so on. What is important is that each area represented by the items below be carefully addressed.

This checklist was adapted from the chapter "The Expert Witness Prepares & Presents" and the appendix "Expert Witness's Checklist" in The MMPI, MMPI-2, & MMPI-A in Court: A Practical Guide for Expert Witnesses & Attorneys, 2nd Edition, by Ken Pope, Jim Butcher, & Joyce Seelen, published by the American Psychological Association.


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