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Children, Ethics, & the Law
The book Children, Ethics, & The Law by psychologists Gerald Koocher and Patricia Keith-Spiegel was published in 1990.
In this free online edition, it may be read online, downloaded to your computer, or printed out.
Here is the Table of Contents:
- Preface -- page i
- Introduction & Basic Concepts -- page 1
- Psychotherapy With Children -- page 16
- Ethical Issues in the Psychological Assessment of Children -- page 37
- Confidentiality & Clinical Competence in Serving Children & Families -- page 54
- Research with Children: Planning & Recruiting Participants -- page 70
- Research with Children: Risk Potential & Management -- page 97
- Kids & the Courts -- page 127
- Glossary of Major Case Law Decisions Cited -- page 150
- References -- page 157
To access the book Children, Ethics, & the Law in pdf format, please follow this link.
Other published works by Dr. Koocher or Dr. Keith-Spiegel available in complete form at this site:
"Discussing Death With Children" -- U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
"Ethics of Practice: The Beliefs and Behaviors of Psychologists as Therapists" -- American Psychologist
"Ethics of Teaching: Beliefs and Behaviors of Psychologists as Educators" -- American Psychologist
"HIPAA & Forensic Practice" -- American Psychology Law Society News
"Sexual Attraction to Clients: The Human Therapist and the (Sometimes) Inhuman Training System" -- American Psychologist
Gerry Koocher is a fellow of 11 APA divisions and holds ABPP diplomates in Clinical Psychology, Family psychology, Forensic Psychology, & Health Psychology. He maintains an independent practice and is licensed in MA and NH, in addition to serving as Dean of Simmons College. He has received numerous awards, most recently the Florence Halpern Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions, which honors a clinical psychologist who has made "distinguished theoretical or empirical advances in psychology leading to the understanding or amelioration of important practical problems." He has published many scientific articles and books, among them The Psychologist's Desk Reference, 2nd edition.
Patricia Keith-Spiegel is Voran Distinguished Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Director of the Center for the Teaching of Integrity at Ball State University. She received her doctorate in experimental psychology, is a fellow of the American Psychological Society (APS) and of the American Psychological Association's divisions 2 ,7 ,35, and 37, and has over 20 years of experience in teaching and writing in the areas of applied ethics and the teaching of integrity. Her work has received extensive national recognition such as as the Distinguished Teaching of Psychology Award from the American Psychological Association.
NOTE: This book is provided at this web site solely for personal, individual use. For any other use that involves copyright, contact the authors, who hold the copyright, to request authorization.