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The Ethics of Counseling: A National Survey of Certified Counselors

William T. Gibson
Kenneth S. Pope

"The Ethics of Counseling: A National Survey of Certified Counselors" was published in Journal of Counseling & Development, vol. 71, #3, pages 330-336.

ABSTRACT: A survey form adapted from a national study of psychologists (Pope, Tabachnick & Keith-Spiegel, American Psychologist) was sent to a national sample of 1,000 counselors certified by the National Board for Certified Counselors. 597 returned usable forms (return rate = 59.7%)indicating their beliefs about whether each of 88 behaviors was ethical and the degree to which they were confident of their judgment about the behavior. The participants also indicated their evaluation of 16 sources of ethical information or guidance. Highest ratings were given to the American Association for Counseling and Development (AACD; now the American Counseling Association) Ethical Standards, the AACD Ethics Committee, the Journal of Counseling & Development, state licensing boards, and colleagues. The lowest ratings were given to local ethics committees, published clinical and theoretical work, court decisions, state and federal laws, and agencies for which participants had worked.

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