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Listserv Utilities for Some APA Discussion Lists
Manage your div5, div17, div29, div24eth, div42, div44, practice, & mentors list mail
Members of APA divisional lists often want:
- to stop receiving list mail temporarily (to prevent mailbox flooding during vacations)
- to resume receiving mail
- to go to digest function (i.e., receive only one email from the list every 24-hours containing all messages that were posted that day)
- to discontinue the digest and begin receiving each individual message as soon as it is sent
- to change their subscription from one email address to another email address
- to unsubscribe from the list
However, when they get ready to do one of these tasks, they've often forgotten what command syntax (i.e., the required array of specific words) must be used in the body of their request and where to send the request (e.g., sometimes sending a "digest," "search," or "unsubscribe" message to all members of the list).
The utilities here will allow you to do the tasks listed above easily and without having to know the required command syntax or the listserv address.
If you've used these utilities before, you'll notice that the format has changed. There are three pages with groups of accounts. Click the link that has the name of the listserv you want to manage and on the page you link to, look for the action you'd like to take.
Since there are separate email addresses for some of the listserv auto-responders, you will have to go to specific pages for specific listserv groups. A link has been provided on the confirmation page to bring you back to this page or on to the search page to continue with another action.
Please enter your complete email address for each account needing to be
- myname@aol.com
- janedoe@prodigy.net
When you submit the forms, you will receive a confirmation message from Listserv with further instructions. Please check your e-mail a few minutes after submitting this information.