Sexual Issues

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Sexual Involvement With Therapists: Patient Assessment, Subsequent Therapy, Forensics

Kenneth S. Pope, Ph.D., ABPP

$19.95 for APA Members; $24.95 for non-members
Phone orders: (202) 336-5500; (800) 374-2721

"A landmark contribution. The research, forms, and lists of cross-examination questions will be invaluable to subsequent therapists who appear in court. This unique resource is essential reading for expert witnesses and trial attorneys."
--Nancy Adel, Esq., Partner, Law Firm of Adel & Pollack

"Pope has brought the full weight of his considerable clinical expertise, encyclopedic scholarship, and lucid writing style to bear on this project. It is rich with facts, principles, and well-documented treatment strategies. This excellent volume should be on every clinician's bookshelf."
--Gerald Koocher, Harvard Medical School

"Dr. Pope's book will be an instant classic. He writes with deep empathy and provides wise, very specific, research-based counsel for subsequent therapists. This is a book that should be read by every psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, and counselor; and be made required reading for all graduate students in the mental health field."
--Erika Fromm, University of Chicago

"All responsible mental health professionals will be indebted for generations to come to Dr. Pope for this lucid presentation. This careful examination of extremely sensitive issues will serve as a central resource for both beginning therapists and the most seasoned practitioners. It provides approaches that are thoughtful, specific, and practical."
--Jerome Singer, Yale University

"In this excellent and unique volume, Dr. Pope addresses painful and difficult issues in a clear, unflinching, and thorough way. This long-awaited book is wise, informed, compassionate, and trustworthy. It is a must for all those who work with sexually exploited patients."
--Sheila Namir, Independent Practice; UCLA Medical School

"The best book to help therapists working with patients who have been sexually abused by a previous therapist. This impressive contribution is must reading for all therapists and an essential text for training programs."
--Lenore Walker, Ed.D., ABPP; author, The Battered Woman Syndrome



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