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Fee Assessment and Outpatient Psychotherapy
The following study ("Fee Assessment and Outpatient Psychotherapy") was published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, vol. 43, #6, pages 835-841.
ABSTRACT: To test the widely held belief that fee assessment policy affects the psychotherapeutic process, data were gathered from the records of 434 consecutive clients who had received individual outpatient psychotherapy at a mental health center. The 3 predictor variables were fee (no payment, welfare, insurance, scaled payment, and full payment), diagnosis (psychosis, neurosis, personality disorder, transient situational disturbance, and other), and socioeconomic status (5 levels). A least-squares multivariate analysis of variance found only diagnosis to be significantly related to the outcome, number of appointments, and attendance of individual outpatient psychotherapy.
See also:
- Ethics of Practice: The Beliefs and Behaviors of Psychologists as Therapists [American Psychologist]
- Ethical Dilemmas Encountered by Members of the American Psychological Association [American Psychologist]
- The Ethics of Counseling: A National Survey of Certified Counselors [Journal of Counseling & Development]
- Ethics in Therapy and Counseling, Second Edition