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Fee Assessment and Outpatient Psychotherapy

Kenneth S. Pope
Jesse D. Geller
Leland Wilkinson

The following study ("Fee Assessment and Outpatient Psychotherapy") was published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, vol. 43, #6, pages 835-841.

ABSTRACT: To test the widely held belief that fee assessment policy affects the psychotherapeutic process, data were gathered from the records of 434 consecutive clients who had received individual outpatient psychotherapy at a mental health center. The 3 predictor variables were fee (no payment, welfare, insurance, scaled payment, and full payment), diagnosis (psychosis, neurosis, personality disorder, transient situational disturbance, and other), and socioeconomic status (5 levels). A least-squares multivariate analysis of variance found only diagnosis to be significantly related to the outcome, number of appointments, and attendance of individual outpatient psychotherapy.

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